Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Can you spot the trend?

Marketing is damn dynamic! Don’t you think so? If not, think again!

For starters,Consider the evolution of marketing. It goes something like this, starting from Ford in the early 1900's :
Production Concept - Mass Production and Wide Distribution
Product Concept - Maximize product Features & more and more R&D
Consumer Concept - Identify Consumer needs & make your product work around them, and the most recent one…
Holistic marketing - Integration of Societal Marketing, Internal Marketing, Consumer Centricity and Marketing Communications!

Now, for everyone in the marketing domain at this point in time, holistic marketing will be a natural way of handling the Marketing Campaign and Building Brands! And 100 years back Production concept would have been the IN thing!But the question I’m trying to address is what the Marketing paradigm will be, two years down the line?

A Couple of quick thoughts. Without a doubt, the evolution of communication medium will have a strong bearing in the marketing Process. And another trend to be noted is that, most products are shifting from a Sellers market to a Buyers market, owing to Immense Competition in all walks of life!

Its quite palpable currently that their exists high levels of information Clutter and consumer loyalty is decreasing drastically as well. How one can affect the Decision making process of the consumer remains a key question at all levels of a Marketing Drive!Reaching a customer directly with your marketing campaign having a mix of creativity, Celebrity and other masala stuff to create a Top of the mind awareness might just not work out anymore! This is where i see the evolution of the next marketing Phenomenon - Credibility marketing!

The customer has realized, at the end of the day, what counts is the experience his product gives him and the needs that are being satisfied by the product. The Guys who communicate the REAL experience the consumer with his product, be it good or bad, through a reliable source (agreed, debatable) will be the ones who will be able to sell something! There is no time for creating Product Perceptions...guys, move on!

To put it simple and straight, cut all the crap about Creativity and your social conscience. Tell me what your product has, with real and credible Experience. In a nut shell, Marketing will become a Reality show packed in an Elevator pitch!

P.S: After writing down my thoughts, i googled Credibility Marketing. And looks like the shift has already begun :-)

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